Beni-Popular Japanese Singer

I love Beni’s songs. I have been listening to her almost everyday, so wanted to share one of my favorite song here. It is called “Dakishimete”, which means “hold me” in English. She wrote this with Japanese rapper/Hip-hop artist. I really like this son. Check out my translation of this song.

ベッドの中一人で あなたを思い浮かべて
I am thinking of you alone in bed.
何故か切なくて いつもの朝を迎えてる
I don’t know why but it hurts a little, and the morning comes as usual
Even if I could see you today, time will go by and it’s not going to wait.
Then I am alone again.

I need you so badly.
I have never felt this way before.
I want your love それだけでいい
I want your love. That’s all I need.
Take me away to a place, where there is nobody.

leave everything behind..just you and I alone.
振り向かずにただ走っていきたい right now
I want to keep moving forward without looking back.
if you slip your finger into mine and say “it’s going to be ok”
どこへでも行ける 抱きしめて…※
We can go anywhere
When you think calmly
I know that it sounds crazy
Even I have a dream too.
I tried to turn back but
At this point, a future with you is my priority.
In a limited life,
How much are we living our lives to the fullest?
I need your love あなたがいればいい
I need your love. All I need is you.
Take me to the world of you and I
もう離れらんない どうしよう おまえと全て捨てて逃避行
I can’t leave you. What am I going to do? Leave everything behind to be with you.
どうしようもないこの想い カバンに詰め込んでもっと遠い
Putting my overwhelming feeling into a bag
誰もいない場所探しに行く 握りしめた片道切符
Going to look for a place in where there is no one.
待ち合わせた23時 駅のホーム目が合った瞬間に
I am holding an one way ticket. At the moment, we see each other at the train station.
鼓動一気に上がるBPM 発車の音が鳴り響いてる
My heart beats suddenly.
手をとって駆け込んだ未来行き ネオンに反射して舞った粉雪
I took your hand and rushed into (the train) to go to the future.
二人片方ずつかけたヘッドフォン 二人で見た夢は永遠に残る
どこへ向かう?二人の終点 信じてるその先のGood day
Where are we heading for? Our destination.
I will continue to believe in you.
Even if I have to risk everything.
If that’s what you are hoping
My answer will never change.
お願い一人にしないで ooh baby
Please don’t leave me alone.
Even if our path would be painful
We are going to share the pain.
I’ve finally found something that I can believe in.
離さず強く 抱きしめて…
Hold me tightly without letting me go..

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