Lessons learned from the Marie Kondo decluttering method

Kon-Mari-MethodMarie Kondo is an acclaimed professional organizer from Japan. She runs a very successful consulting business in Tokyo, helping people transform their clutter homes. Her cleaning method is known as “Konmari method“.

It is really difficult to let go of clutter. Konmari method is all about minimalist living and lifestyle.

We live in a society that focuses on material possessions. I often buy things without even really asking myself if I really need it. I have tons of unread books, extra lipsticks, pens..etc..it becomes really difficult to clean out the clutter.

Here are the simple yet revolutionary lessons that we can learn from Marie Kondo’s decluttering method.

Hold each item and ask yourself if it sparks joy. If not, let it go-throw it away or donate.

I have never really thought about objects that bring me joy..I thought that it was kind of silly yet powerful. Joy serves as a simple yet powerful filter we can use to go through “stuff”, declutter our living space so we can make our lives easier.

Do not declutter by room. Instead tidy by category.

This is pretty powerful. I often get stressed out going through “stuff” by room. I finished cleaning my bedroom then I have to deal with decluttering a guest room..then living room. I am not into organization so I gave up many times. But the Konmari method may take much longer to organize but you declutter by categories-not rooms.

For instance, if you decide to organize your books, you collect books in your living space. If you live in a house and have books everywhere, you are going to deal with books in a living room, guest room, children’s room..etc..at once. You deal with all your books at once.

Treat your belongings as if they are alive.

I really like this concept. Marie Kondo asks that you think about your clothing’s feelings. Are they happy or sad? Socks must be feeling so sad for being balled up and squashed in a corner shelf. Socks work really hard to keep our feet comfortable..well, this is a totally new way of looking at things. This is very refreshing and I really like it. The more we respect our belongings, the easier the decluttering process becomes.

Don’t dwell on the past.

Many of us have the closets and shelfs that are filled with pictures, letters..items of sentimental value. The bottom drawer of my dresser has just that..presents, papers, letters, pictures..I do have things that I received from my ex boyfriend. These things don’t necessarily bring joy but I decided to keep them. Marie Kondo emphasizes the importance of focusing on one category at a time and do not dwell on the past while you complete the decluttering process.

Fold..fold..do not hang your clothes!

Marie Kondo says clothes should be folded. They are happier folded in a dresser. She teaches you how to fold your clothes as if they were “origami” (folding paper).

I am just starting to declutter my room again.

I am confident that cleaning wouldn’t be so stressful with the Kondo method.

Are you ready to tidy up your room?


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