Japan’s industry minister

Industry minister Yoichi Miyazawa answers questions from the media about the scandalWe recently reported a crying politician who started having a five-year-old tantrum at the press conference. He was accused of spending public funds for personal use. Ok, he cries and screamed. It was really embarrassing.

Ok Now, Japanese Prime Minister’s new ministry drew plenty of media attention because of his expense his “secretary” allegedly went to the SM bar to have a work related talk…Yeah, there is no denying about that. It is totally inappropriate for government officials to go to one of those “bars”, let alone SM bars with whip, candle, handcuffs…Yikes.

Basically this official named “Miyazawa” (64) is blaming his “support group” for spending approximately $170 at the SM themed bar because they wanted to go to a quiet solid place to talk business…I think the reality was far from that. They shouldn’t have classify expenses taken at SM bar as political spending. That is a common sense.

He says..He himself did not go…are you sure about that? Maybe you just don’t remember?

Japanese politics are so corrupt. Unfortunately just like other younger Japanese generations, I don’t have a lot of hope for Japanese politics in general.

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