Volcano erupts in Japan

Japan’s Sakurajima volcano erupted recently in Japan. The volcano sits in between Kagoshima and Tarumizu on the southern island of Kyushu. It over looks the city of Kagoshima, and it is about 30 miles from the nuclear plant.

It looks very intense and dramatic, but this eruption is minor compared to previous volcanos that took place by Mount Sakurajima.

The eruption looks beautiful and intense. Japan has 110 active volcanos and it is reported that there are about 15 volcanic events that take place in Japan each year.

When I first saw the picture of this volcano eruption, I didn’t know what it was. It looks spectacular. It shows an orange burst and the volcano flashes like lightning. You can see the bursts of lava flowing out of the side.

This volcano overlooks the city of Kagoshima and there are about 605,000 people there.

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