White day in Japan (March 14th)

white day in Japan

white day in Japan

Japanese women give chocolates on Valentine’s day, and we all know that it is on February 14th. White day (ホワイトデー) is a day that is celebrated in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China on March 14th. I am not familiar with other countries, but Japanese men are expected to return the favor by giving gifts to their significant others and others who have given them chocolates on February 14th. Popular White Day gifts are cookies, jewellery, white chocolates etc.

Just like Valentine’s Day, White Day is a commercial holiday, and it is said to have been started in 1980s. Today White Day is a well-known gift day in Japan. You will notice many departments stores in Japan advertise popular White Day gifts and you will see more men in that section. Some older men even bring their wives along to help them decide proper Okaeshi (returning the favor) to women who have given them chocolates at work on Valentine’s Day. I have written a lot about the value of Okaeshi in Japanese culture, and returning the favor is an extremely important part of all social relations in Japan. Not returning a gift especially to your coworkers is considered even insulting in some situations.

Tiffany & Co., a popular international jewelry company, is successfully marketing “special White Day gift” on their website. Check their special gift.

white day in Japan

white day in Japan

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