
This is crazy…! Meet Chibatman..well he wears a batman costume and ride a motorcycle in Chiba!

Chibatman has been spotted throughout the streets in Chiba prefecture, and why is he doing this? I guess..he is doing this to make people in Chiba HAPPY!

This man is 41 years old, and works as a welder during the day, and because of his head to toe costume, you wouldn’t know what he looks like..

Doesn’t he look like a real superhero?! He’s been spotted in Chiba city over the past three years. He is keeping his identity secret, but he allegedly told the media that Japanese people forgot how to smile after tsunami disaster that hit Japan in 2011.

It is reported that the total costs of his costume and other accessories were around $6000!! Impressive ^_^/

Sugoi! (cool!!!) This Japanese interviewer managed to interview “Chibatman” (Batman in Chiba Prefecture)

Interviewer: “Why are you dressing like?”

Chibatman: “Because I want to see people smile..”

Interviewer: “What do you do during the day?”

Chibatman: “I work at a port.

He is a 41 year-old welder..

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