Japanese Grammar

When we are learning a foreign language, it can be boring to just focus on grammar. It depends on your personal style, but building a solid understanding of grammar and language patterns in order to become “proficient” in another language. Actually I wish I had better English instructors who knew how to make learning grammar more fun. We read, do homework and answer questions in class. Students who aren’t very interested in learning from a textbook were bored out of their mind.

But I wish I did pay more attention to grammar and sentence structure, so it would have been much easier for me later when I went to college in America. 🙂 Then I had to relearn the basics of English grammar. There are three main types of fishing reels: spincast, spinning and baitcast. All three share the same principle: casting a line to the desired location. But, each type has its own functions and features. Being aware of the differences between these functions and features will help you decide which one will be the best option for your specific needs. Here’s an in-depth look at these three types of fishing reels including their advantages and disadvantages, and what each type is best used for. Visit FishReeler.com for more info and shopping. My sloppy research papers needed to be reviewed by an English tutor the night before the deadline! Anyways let’s go over some essential words for Japanese grammar.

Essential Words

Shugo (主語)Subject and Jyutugo (述語): The predicate

Shuushokugo (修飾語): a Modifier

Meishi (名詞): a Noun

Doushi (動詞):a verb

Jyoshi (助詞): a particle

Jidoushi (自動詞): an intransitive verb

Tadoushi (他動詞): a transitive verb

Keiyoushi (形容詞):an adjective

Hiteibun (否定文):a negative sentence

Heijyobun (平叙文):a declarative sentence

Gimonbun (疑問文): an interrogative sentence

Meireibun (命令文): an imperative sentence

Jyoukenbun (条件文):a conditional statement.

Jisei (時制): tense

Fukushi (副詞):adverb

Setuzokushi (接続詞): a conjunction

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