Popular Porn actors for women adult videos

I recently came across youtube video featuring one of the most popular AV (adult video) actors in Japan. Japan is known for its huge porn industry. ittetsu

My Asian american friend asked me why some Japanese people decide to become porn actresses/actors despite the fact that Japan is a culture of shame.

If anybody has an answer to this question, leave a message in the comment section below. 🙂

But anyways, I came across this youtube video featuring a male porn actor, “Ittetsu Suzuki”. I was surprised.

He doesn’t look like a porn star at all..he could be my neighbor, classmate, coworker..he is handsome and has a very clean appearance.

Ittetsu Suzuki is actually a porn actor for Silk Lab, the company that produces porn exclusively for women. Men can of course watch them too but it’s scripted, directed by women and women are treated very lovingly and gently. Viewers of these videos are women.

Out of curiosity, I watched one of Ittetsu kun’s videos. I did like it and can understand why girls fall in love with him, it’s not “him” because it’s fake. His every act, move and word are trained and polished by a team of women producers.

I doubt Ittetsu kun is really this sweet in his private life but definitely women who watch his porn would feel this sense of care, love and respect. Almost all of their videos have stories and kissing and foreplay scenes are much longer in these videos. After all, most women want to feel “desirable”, “loved” and cared for.

I had not idea porn for women industry existed. I thought porn was all about meeting men’s sexual fantasies and it often degrades and treats women disrespectfully. Many women report that they feel relieved and cared for just by watching these videos. That’s why women’s porn is growing rapidly in Japan.

I hope that this whole deal can help young people to get back to the dating scene or at least become more enthusiastic about relationships and love. I think many troubled couples can learn by watching these videos and actually I am pretty impressed with the concept of this specific industry.

These porn actors for women porn (so called”Ero-Men”) have become so popular that they have appeared in Japanese variety shows late at night.  As you can see, these guys are sweet to all women, including the least attractive ones. They are professionals. But we have to understand that this is a “job” for them and they have lives outside the industry.

In fact, Ittetsu kun, my most favorite..is married with two children. How does his wife deal with him sleeping with different women everyday? Maybe she feels even more confident that he has chosen her as a life partner but I don’t know. To me, it’s too intense and I wouldn’t be able to handle my husband doing this constantly..well, maybe it pays that good. How about children? His kids are still small but as they grow, they will eventually find out.

After all, nothing is perfect and it’s all about weighing pros and cons.

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