Albino Angel

Albino Dolphin* I do not own this image and sea shepherd owns the copy of this image. T-T This image makes me so sad because I don’t know if this is the actual “angel” who is trapped in a small tank at the Taiji whale museum but this baby albino witnessed her family being killed and allegedly her mother died frantically looking for her baby when she was snatched by Japanese fisherman at the Taiji cove. This kind of dolphin (albino) is said to worth much more money than the standard beautiful dolphins they catch and sell to the marine parks and aquariums..Albino dolphins are very rare and sources report that they usually have some type of genetic abnormalities that lead to their visual or audio impairment so they need to be protected by their family to survive in the wild.

I am sharing this campaign, “free Angel”. Angel is an albino dolphin and she was captured at the cove while her family members were cruelly killed. She is currently in the Taiji Whale Museum. It is said that pretty dolphin can worth up to $100,000 or more and an albino dolphin like angel worth half a million dollars! This is a huge industry. I was not aware of this but trainers at the museum train these poor dolphins and then they are shipped off to other aquariums and marine parks around the world. Despite the strong criticisms from the international community, Japanese government is least likely to agree to release Angel and return her to her home in the ocean. And unfortunately her family members were either slaughtered at the cover or nowhere to be found, her change of Angel surviving in the wild is slim. Because she is an albino, she will be targeted by sharks and other predators and the family who was protecting her are nowhere to be found.

The campaign is desperately trying to get more recognitions from celebrities and politicians so Angel can be freed and be moved to a protected cover. Her chance of survival will be optimal there. This shows how the money is involved in this dolphin drive killing. Japanese government continues to back up the Taiji cove fishermen for trying to preserve their traditional Japanese food culture. They might have eaten dolphin for survival during wars or even after a war but there is no reason for them to have to rely on dolphin meat and it is simply a lie that they are doing this for dolphin meat because Japanese people do not eat whale or dolphin.

All that being said, what can we do to stop this act? Although most Japanese people are unaware of this dolphin hunting, they will be defensive and they have been defensive because of continued criticisms that include the ambassador Kennedy’s remarks. Some people start to feel that these people are attacking Japanese culture and tradition, and ask..”you guys hunt animals!” “you guys kill chickens and cows!” So what are the differences between cows and dolphins? How do you prove that dolphins are much more intelligent and they are simply equivalent to humans. There is no point making an emotional protest because traditionally, Japanese people do not make a clear distinction between fish and ocean mammals (whales, dolphins). Well, they now do but it’s different from how westerners embrace dolphins as highly intellectual mammals.

I am strongly against taking wild dolphin for marine parks and shows for entertainment and killing them for meat makes no sense to me. However I am interesting in seeing this practice end and we should really think about strategic plans to really pressure Japanese government to stop dolphin drive hunting altogether. And hopefully this will pressure parts of Denmark and other countries to ban ocean mammal killing.

Go to the link below to sign a petition and request Japanese government to stop this inhumane practice.

エンジェルは、 希少な白いアルビノイルカで太地町で毎年行われているイルカ追い込み猟で1月17日に捕獲されました。 日本は、先進国であるにも関わらず大きな規模でイルカ追い込み猟を食文化を守るためと言う理由で毎年続けている事に対して、世界中から非難が集まっています。この白いイルカの赤ちゃんはエンジェルと名付けられて、アメリカを初めとする国々で日本の政府にイルカ猟をやめさせるためのキャンーペーンまであります。アルビノイルカは遺伝的に盲目であったり耳が聴こえなかったりするそうです。そのエンジェルを守るかの様にお母さんが一緒にぴったり寄り添っている写真が下にあります。エンジェルはお母さんや仲間から無理矢理引き裂かれて、「太地町のくじらの博物館」の狭いタンクの中に今もいます。詳しい事は知りませんが、エンジェルのお母さんはエンジェルを探し続けてそのまま沈んでいってしまい、「自殺」をしたとも言われています。可哀想なイルカを殺す日本の漁師は残虐で。。とそういう角度から日本のイルカ追い込み猟を止めさせようとする人が多くいますが、それは時間の無駄だと私は思います。

私的には、正直高校卒業するまで日本に住んでいたにも関わらずイルカ猟の事は知りませんでした。おじいちゃんが鯨を時々食べていたのを思い出しますが、私の母親は「鯨は人間と同じほ乳類で食べる物ではない」と常に言っていました。なので、今回のイルカ猟の報道で色々インターネットで調べてはっきり言ってびっくりしています。日本人は基本的に鯨どころかイルカを肉として見る人はほとんどいません。今回の海外の強い非難によって、一部の日本人は、「牛は食べてもよくて、なんでイルカはダメなの?イルカが賢いという証拠はあるのか」と講義する人がたくさん今すが 、イルカは食べるものではありません。日本の一部で伝統的にイルカや鯨が食べられていたとしても、日本は戦後経済を立て直し、今では主要先進国として海外から非難される事はするべきではないのです。イルカが牛より賢いかそんな事は分かりません。色々な研究がされていますが、そんな事ははっきり言ってどうでもいいと思います。



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