Differences between Japanese and Western cancer Patients

There is a genetic test, which assesses the risk of cancer, and Japanese news reports that the recent study shows certain characteristics of cancer related to ethnicity. When you compare Japanese and western people (mainly caucasians), there is a age difference in developing cancer. Westerners are more likely to develop breast cancer which typically forms after menopause, and it’s due to the hormone. The peak of cancer development among westerners is their late 60s, and 30% of cancer patients among westerners are under 45 years old. However Japanese tend to develop breast cancer early..50% of breast cancer patients in Japan are under 45 years old.

It is estimated that an abnormal gene (BRCA1, 2) is responsible for 70% genetic risk factors, but recent studies have found other genetic factors such as P53, PTEN. If we understand the risk factors and characteristics of cancer depending on nationality, we will have a better understanding of cancer risk and come up with better treatment options. In South Korea, they gathered 1000 datas of cancer patients in order to develop its unique data analysis software. Japan is falling behind western medicine and it would be better to do more research and data analysis to better understand the cancer risk factors among Japanese patients.

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