Japanese Adjectives

I created the following exercise to test your knowledge on Japanese adjectives. There are two types of adjectives in Japanese adjectives. Na adjectives are unique because it is a noun by itself but can be an adjective as well. I-adjectives are similar to English adjectives.
Adjective-Exercise Part 1

私は、しょうらい( )家にすみたいです。-Big ( I want to live in a big house in the future)

(  )車が好きですーBlack (I like black cars)

ぼくのかのじょは、とても(  )ですーPretty-(My girlfriend is very pretty)

わたしのおじいちゃんは、(  )ですーEnergetic-(My grandpa is energetic.)

私のへやは、(  )ですーUnique-(My room is unique.)

( )へやにすみたいです。-Modern-(I want to live in a modern room)

きょうとは、( )-Famous-(Kyoto is famous)

しょうらい、( )くらしをしたいーLuxurious-(I want lead a luxurious life)

( )いぬがほしいーSmall-(I want a small dog)

きのうのパーティーは、とても( )-Was fun-(Yesterday’s party was very fun)

一人ぐらしは、( )-Dangerous-(Living alone is dangerous)

( )人がすきーCheerful-(I like cheerful persons)

あのアイスクリームはすごく( )-Was Sweet-(That ice-cream is very sweet)

ホストファミリーは、私が日本にいる時とても親切にしてくれて、( )
―Was Thankful-(My host family was kind to me when I was staying in Japan and I am thankful)

( )女の人は好みじゃないーThick-(thick women aren’t my type)

けんじ君は、あなたに( )と思うよーSuitable-(I think Kenji is suitable for you)

あの映画を見た後、( )-became Sad-(I became sad after watching that movie.)

私は子供の時、家がとても( )-Was poor-(When I was a child, we were very poor)

ゆうれいが今も( )-Scary-(I am still afraid of sprits)

あの人の家はあまり( )-Was not spacious-(That person’s house was not very spacious)

あの町には、日本人がとても( )-Was Many-(There were many Japanese people in that town).

学生の時は、あまり( )-Was not busy-(I was not very busy when I was a student)

あまり( )家にすみたいですーNot small-(I want to live in a house which is not so small)

家の( )にとしょかんがありますーNear-(There is a library near my home)

( )海でダイビングをしてみたいですーDeep-(I want to try diving in deep ocean)

私のおばあちゃんはちょっと( )ので、父も母も気をつかっていました。-(because my grandmother was hard to please, both my mom and dad were both paying extra attention to her.)

―Hard to please, Fastidious

海外で( )から、毎日友達に電話してしまいましたーFelt uneasy-(Since I felt uneasy overseas, I ended up calling my friend everyday.)

車をメカニックに持っていったら、( )チェックされたーIn details-(I took my car to a mechanic and (he/she) checked my car in details.)

あの人は気性が( )し、ちょっとこわいです。-Intense-(That person has a bad temper, and I am afraid of him.)

けんじ君はじまんばかりしていたけど、家はそんなに( )-Was not-(Even though Kenji boasts of his house all the time, his home wasn’t that new.)

子供の時、親にもっとかわいがって( )-Wanted-(I wanted my parents to care for me more when I was a child.)

あの子はまだ若いのに、本当に( )と思うーGreat, Respectful-(That girl is still so young, but she is great)

性格が( )人がにがてです。―Harsh - (I don’t feel comfortable with someone with harsh personality)

お湯が( )すぎて、お風呂から出てからすごく寒かった-Warm-(Because bath was so warm, I was cold after taking a bath)

あのレストランのすしは、すごく( )-Tasted horrible-(Sushi at that restaurant tasted horrible.)

昨日あまりねてないから、今日はとても( )-Sleepy-(Because I didn’t sleep very well yesterday, I was very sleepy today.)

外国人は、私の町でとても( )-Was rare-(foreigners were very rare in my town.)

まだ五時なのに、外がもう( )-Dark-(It’s only five o’clock but it’s already dark outside.)

( )話は、あの人に聞かないといけないーDetailed-(I have to ask that person for details.)


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