Japanese language proficiency test

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is held in Japan and oversees, and it is the most standardized certification you can get to prove your Japanese-language proficiency. If you are taking the test in Japan, the JLPT is administered in July and December-twice a year. But outside Japan, the test is administered only in July or December. According to the official JLPT website, the tests will be held on Sunday, July 7th and Sunday, December 1st, 2013. You should contact the local institution to register for the test.

*The JLPT was revised in 2010 and one level was added to bridge the gap between the old level 2 and level 3.

N1: It’s approximately the same level as the old level 1 test.

N2: It’s approximately the same level as the old level 2 test.

N3: It’s approximately the level between the old level 2 and level 3 exams.

N4: It’s approximately the same level as the old level 3 test.

N5: It’s approximately the same level as the old level 4 test.

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