Japan’s crazy festival

I wrote about the Japanese self-claimed artist, aka “Rokudenashiko” (a girl for nothing) who was arrested by Japanese policy for breaking Japan’s obscenity law. Japan’s porn industry is huge and Japanese people seem to be open about sex and sexuality in general but it is illegal to distribute uncensored genitalia of both men and women in Japan. So Rokudenashiko broke this law by sending the data that contained the image of her genitalia and it was part of her fund raising effort to create a female vagina boat. It doesn’t make sense but anyways apparently Rokudenashiko raised over $10,000 for the project and she sent her private data to those who had donated her more than the certain amount of money. So this is wrong.

Then I’ve just learned about japan’s crazy penis festival which takes place annually Kanagawa. It is part of the Shinto tradition, and local people have been holding this event each year to promote fertility and discourage abortion. They sell penis shaped candles, candies, statue, and even the Mikoshi for festival. In recent years, there are noticeable amount of foreign tourists going to this one and only Japan’s penis festiva. LOL This tradition dates all the way back to Edo and I forgot but this also relates to some Demon who fell in love with this woman but she repeatedly refuse to be with a demon and chooses other men. A jeakous demon hides and then cuts off these men’s penis. Wow..this is as convincing as my hometown’s Peace boy story. My reaction to this always has been..”Are you kidding me?” So when I saw images of this crazy festival, I said the same thing. I understand that they are doing this for good cause to promote fertility because Japanese population is in catastrophic decline and Japan needs more babies, more young work force! And whenever you decide to think about Penis lollipop, don’t feel so bad because the profit goes to AIDS foundation. So at least it’s helping certain community.

But I don’t understand how showing uncensored penis is acceptable even in front of small children for this festival but not Rokudenashiko? At least her art and project do not involve small children. The only real issue that I have is the presence of small children. This shows the typical hypocrisy of Japanese law enforcement and its government. I am not trying to be overly critical but I feel kind of embarrassed about this whole “festival” to raise funds for HIV research and to promote fertility.

The crazy part is the fact that most Japanese people are unfamiliar with this festival..and in fact, I didn’t know about this nor had I heard about this on the News back home. But I can see how the foreign media pays attention to this event because it’s in Japan that censors genitalia!

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