Advanced placement Japanese language and culture

High school students can take Advanced Placement Japanese Language and Culture exams, offered by the College Board. If students pass the exam, many universities in the US accept their successful test score and grant students college credit.

I have helped some high school students prepare for the AP Japanese exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AP Japanese class easier than the courses offered at college and universities?
No. The AP courses are supposed to be comparable to the classes offered at college and university in the US.

How long do I have to study to pass Japanese AP test?
According to college board, students should complete about 300 hours of university level classroom instruction.

Do I need to just study some books to prepare for the AP test?
This one high school student who was attending a private school offering the AP Japanese course was using Genki 1 & 2. Students have to understand essential Japanese culture and traditions so they can write essays. Students should also be familiar with Japanese society, political, or educational issues. For instance, they should know how to write compare and contrast essay on Japanese and American high schoo; systems. Moreover they should be able to engage in conversations with native Japanese speakers

Is the AP test a paper

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