Culture Note 4: Japanese Festivals

Culture Note: Japanese Festivals


There are many festivals in Japan. Some are famous, while others are known only to the locals. Some are very traditional, while others are rather new. Here are some examples of well-known festivals. Where do you want to visit?

札幌 雪祭り(Snow festival in Sapporo)

The Sapporo Snow Festival is held for a week in early February. It features large snow sculptures constructed in a park on the main avenue.

京都 祇園祭 (Gion Matsuri in Kyoto)

The Kyoto Gion Festival is held in July. On the 17th, beautifully decorated floats parade on the main streets in Kyoto.

青森 ねぶた祭り(Nebuta Festival in Aomori)

The Amori Nebuta Festival is held August 2-7. Huge Colorful lantern are pulled through the street, accompanied by people dancing and playing flutes and drums.

仙台 七夕祭り(Tanabata Festival in Sendai)

The Sendai Tanabata Festival is held August 6-8, and is famous for its large, elaborate decorations made with colorful Japanese paper.

徳島 阿波踊り(Awaodori in Tokushima)

The Tokushima Awa Dance Festival is held August 12-15. Groups of people from lines and dance around the center of town.



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