Gaijin Houses

Can you imaging paying 8 month’s rent just to move into an apartment? Oh, and none of it will be returned! Well if you come to Japan and want an apartment this is a fact. That is where this other option comes in “Gaijin Houses” also known asĀ Guest Houses!

A guest house or “gaijin house” as we say in Japan is an inexpensive type of accommodation for foreigners, who stay in Japan for one month or longer, and who want to avoid the hassle and the expense of renting and furnishing a regular apartment.

Renting an apartment in Japan not as expensive as most people think. But there are many fees applied when you move in. This is where it becomes a hassle. There is the realtor fee, deposit, gift money to the landlord, and a few others thrown in for fun. Each fee is equal to one month’s rent. Therefore you first month’s rent could be anywhere from 4-10 times the amount of rent. Only the deposit will be returned…hopefully.

There are many guesthouses in Tokyo, but they are sprouting up all across Japan. Guest houses are a much better deal. With only a small deposit and no extra fees, they provide safe, clean, affordable accommodation while searching for a long term apartment or on a short term stay. They come equipped with kitchen facilities, Internet access and laundry facilities, and each room is usually furnished with a small fridge, TV and a futon or bed. Since the actual features and overall quality of each guest house can vary enormously, however, a resource like Gaijin House Japan can make the difference between a successful and a miserable stay in Japan.

When trying to find a guest house it can be a dreary task not all guest houses have great English websites. And not knowing the country well you may have a hard time knowing where to look. Enter “Gaijin House Japan!” Gaijin House Japan’s main feature is continually updated series of articles on every guest house across the length and breadth of Japan. Allowing travelers to comment on the guest houses they have stayed in, thus providing an “in person” view of Japanese guest houses-the good, the bad, and the dirty!


Sakura House

Tokyo Cozy House

Gaijinpot Apartment Listing


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