Genki 1: Lesson 3: Making a date

This is my favorite lesson because you will learn how to form a sentence using verb.

会話:かいわ Dialogue

Mary and Takeshi are talking


Takeshi: Ms. Mary, what do you usually do on the weekend?


Mary: Let me see..I usually study at home. But I sometimes watch a movie.


Takeshi: I see. Well, Why don’t we watch a movie together on Saturday?


Mary: Well, How about Sunday?


Mary: That sounds good.

On Sunday morning, at Mary’s host family’s.


Mary: Good morning.


Mother: Good morning. It’s early.. (you’re up early)


Mary: Yes, I will go to Kyoto today. I will watch a movie in Kyoto.


Mother: That sounds good. What time are you returning (home)?


Mary: Around 9:00.


Mother: How about dinner?


Mary: I won’t eat it (at home).


Mother: I see. Well, have a great time. (have a nice day)


Mary: See you later!


えいが : movie

おんがく: music

ざっし: magazine

スポーツ: sports

デート: date

テニス: tennis

テレビ: TV

Foods and Drinks

アイスクリーム: ice cream

あさごはん: breakfast

おさけ: alcohol

おちゃ: tea

コーヒー: coffee

ばんごはん: dinner

ハンバーガー: hamburger

ひるごはん: lunch

みず: water


いえ: house

うち: home

がっこう: school


あさ: breakfast

あした: tomorrow

いつ: when

きょう: today

〜ごろ:at around

こんばん: tonight

しゅうまつ: this weekend

どようび: saturday

にちようび: Sunday

まいにち: everyday

まいばん: every night


いく: to go (destination に/へ)

かえる: to back/to return

きく: to listen (〜を)

のむ: to drink  (〜を)

はなす: to speak/to talk (〜を)

よむ: to read  (〜を)


おきる: to get up

たべる:  to eat  (〜を)

ねる: to sleep

みる: to watch/ to see  (〜を)

Irregular verbs

くる: to come (destination に/へ)

する: to do  (〜を)

べんきょうする: to study  (〜を)


いい: good

はやい: soon, early


あまり + negative: not much

ぜんぜん + negative: not at all

たいてい: usually

ちょっと: a little

ときどき: sometimes

よく: often


そうですね: That’s right; let me see

でも: but

どうですか: How about..?


Verb Conjugation

Verbs in Japanese conjugate, or take various shapes. In this lesson, we learn three forms, (1)the “dictionary forms” (2)the present tense affirmative forms, (3) present tense negative forms. There are two kinds of verbs that follow regular conjugation patterns, and an example of each is below.

Verb bases                             ru-verb                          u-verb

dictionary forms                  Taberu (to eat)          Iku

present, affirmative            Tabemasu                  Ikimasu

present, negative                Tabemasen                Ikimasen

stems                                    Tabe                              Iki

Taberu belongs to the group of verbs called the “ru-verbs“. Ru-verb are so called, because you and the suffix ru to the verb base (tabs, in the above example) to form the dictionary form. For the two long forms we learn in this lesson, you simply add the suffixes masu and masen, instead of ru, to the bases. We learn four ru-verbs in this lesson.





Another major group of verbs is called the “u-verbs“. The dictionary form of an u-verb like iku can be broken down into the base (ik in the above example) and the suffix u. The long forms like ikimasu and ikimasen, then are formed with the base plus suffixes imasu and imasen. In u-verb conjugations you find letters shifting in the same row of the hiragana chart (see inside front cover). In iku, for example, you see ku and ki, both in the ka row of the hiragana chart, nomu has mu and mi, both in the ma row, and so forth.

We learn six u-verbs in this lesson:

nomu: nomimasu

yomu: yomimasu

hanasu: hanashimasu

kiku: kikimasu

iku: ikimasu

odoru: odorimasu







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