Woman spends 100K to become a doll

I wrote an article about a Japanese woman who has spent over 100K USD (now it is more like 200K USD) to make herself look like a french doll. She doesn’t look Japanese after undergoing numerous plastic surgeries. She had an artificial bone implanted on her forehead, had an eyelid surgery to make her eyes bigger, and she had about five nose jobs (according to a different interview) As you can see, she looks too perfect to be true and she has also lost an ethnic identity. 🙁 She is beautiful but I wonder if she will ever be happy in her own skin and probably no matter how many times she goes under the knife, she will never feel good about herself. T-T
I feel very sad to hear her story in this video. She says in this interview that she was severely bullied when she was in elementary school..one time, kids took her to a park and saw a table that kids wrote “die, die, die, die…” then she talked to her parents about it and her parents told her that she had to endure with bullying because she was ugly and she should have a plastic surgery. That is when she started to think something was wrong with her appearance and wanted to change it. I really hope her story isn’t true but if it is, it is just sad and shocking at the same time. I am actually not against plastic surgery because if you really want to fix one or two imperfection and be happy, that is ok..but in her case, she would have more plastic surgeries in order to become “perfect”.

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