Sugao no mama de lyrics by Yuzu

I want to share beautiful lyrics of Suga o no mama de (Just the way you are) by Yuzu. This song was a theme song for the Japanese TV drama, “hours of my life” I love Haruma Miura, Japanese actor who played a young man starting to experience symptoms of ALS.

すがおのままで Just the way you are..

なぜか君が笑うと僕の不安は消えてしまう。I don’t know why but when you smile, my anxieties disappear..

まるで魔法のように時間が動き始めるよ。Time begins to pass like magic.

くじらが空飛ぶ夢を見てた。境目のない海の向こうへ I was dreaming about a whale flying in the key and going over the ocean without any limit.


If the sadness is gone somewhere, what’s left is a completely blank white world.

そのままの君でいい 飾らない心で 涙を拭わずあるきだした。

Stay the way you are. You began to walk, without wiping away your tears with your pure heart.


Don’t worry because I will always watch over you. We are living this moment, heading for tomorrow.

二人似ているところを見つけて妙に嬉しくなって そんな些細な喜びを集めて暮らしてゆけるなら

I was really happy to find what we share together. If I could just live, collecting trivial happinesses

どこかで見つけた赤い風船 誰かの想いを乗せてゆくよ。叶うかな願いをこの次は僕らが両手広げ見渡す空へと放つ

The red balloon that I found carries someone’s feelings with it. Wonder if my wish would come time we will release it to the sky looking over us with open arms.

素顔の君がいい 変わらない微笑み
Stay the way you are..the smile that doesn’t change

どんな日が来ても 消えないように
No matter what kind of day it comes, it won’t disappear

信じることに疲れ 何も見えないなら
Tired of believing and if I can’t see anything

大声で叫ぶよ どこにいても君の名を
I will call your name out loud wherever I am

寄せては返す戸惑いの波に 為す術もなく立ち尽くすとき
Waves of confusion that come and go and when I stand still without having anything to try

忘れないで辿った道程を そして一人じゃないってことを
Don’t forget the path that we have taken and you weren’t alone.

そのままの君でいい 飾らない心で
You can stay the way you are without decorative hearts

You started to walk without wiping away tears

心配いらないよ ずっと見ているから
Don’t worry. I will always look over you.

明日へ向かって 踏みしめながら
While taking steps toward tomorrow firmly

一歩ずつ一歩ずつ 確かに僕ら今を生きている
Step by Step, we are actually living in the now

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