No talking-silent cafe

quiet cafe-1I would love to go to the silent cafe when I visit my family in Japan. I go to starbucks every morning to get a cup of iced coffee but when I write a new post, I usually do it in my bedroom. I need a quiet time to gather my thoughts but people talk so much at starbucks, coffee beans, peet’s coffee..I don’t want to talk badly about Californians but they are quite loud..(sigh)

Anyways, I learned about R-z cafe (R座図書館).

What a cool place! In this cafe, you are discouraged from talking and they discourage people from coming to the cafe to chat..because the sole purpose of going to the R-z cafe is to enjoy quiet, solitary time and do your own thing.

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All you hear in this cafe is water sounds and soft piano music. I have never been to a cafe like this..

I like the mission of this cafe: is to help each client relax, forget about daily stress and the reality. Enjoy reading, drinking beverages and just indulge in solitude. The only thing is that drink prices are set pretty’s around 650 yen but you are paying for the space so I think it’s reasonable. 🙂

It is really difficult to find a quiet place in of the most crowded cities in the world. The cafe is located in Suginami district, Tokyo. For more information, visit their website.

The cafe website: 

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