Life is short so cheat in Japan

Ashley Madison operates the world’s largest online dating site for married people. This website has grown significantly since the company started the advertisement. I was a bit surprised because Japanese culture is all about conformity, shame and collectivism. But apparently Japanese is the largest members of this controversial dating site with an infamous slogan: “Life is short. Have an affair.” So why did this dating site become such a hit? First of all, it is a new concept and Japanese people love new stuff. Also you can just browse the site without uploading your own picture and you can do this completely anonymously. Japanese people are usually shy and are usually reluctant to disclose their identity right away. So do Japanese people feel guilty about cheating on their spouse? Sure they do. It really depends on the person but the older married couples seem to care much less in Japan because after the children start to grow, Japanese parents usually sleep in separate rooms. Mother often sleeps with her children. So I believe the claim that many Japanese married couples don’t have much sex. But I don’t know if this is the reason why they want to have a physical or emotional fling with another person online. In general, Japanese people don’t feel extremely guilty even if they are having an affair or cheated on their spouse. They feel guilty but their level of guilt is not equivalent to those shared among the Christian community in America..Infidelity is a serious violation of crime in America and cheating spouse should be prepared for lengthy divorce and custody battle. Cheating is a pretty serious offense in America and probably in the Western societies.

I do not know the real motives of people signing up for “let’s have an affair” website..yes life is short but what’s the point? It sounds like this is going to create an unnecessary circumstance and is it worth hurting your spouse and children (if you have any)? Cheating may not always be the solution to your dissatisfaction. I passionately advocate against cheating because you can be a better human being than that. Cheating involves lying to your spouse who has always been there for you and even if you are having some issues with marriage, that’s not the way to deal with the issue.

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