Japanese Okiku doll is haunted

okikuI am afraid of Okiku doll because it’s known to be possessed by a child. Doll was named after the girl and it’s hair is said to grow.

There is no scientific explanation for it.

A 17 year old boy bought the doll for his 2-year old sister, Okiku. Okiku adored the doll and played with it everyday but she unfortunately died.

The family noticed that the doll’s hair was getting longer and even had the hair tested in a lab. It is indeed human hair.

When the family moved away, they gave the doll to the Mannenji Temple and the doll has been there ever since. But the hair has continued to grow. The temple cuts the doll’s hair regularly.

I love stuffed animals but I wouldn’t want someone giving me a doll as a gift. Dolls are kind of creepy, I think. Their eyes stare and shouldn’t move. Okiku doll is spooky. It’s old and you can see that the doll has some kind of soul in it.

To this day, the doll is at the Mannenji Temple. The doll has become so famous throughout Japan, and it attracts many visitors each year. Is this a supernatural true story or..? What do you think?



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