Peace sign
I’ve lived in California for over ten years and I haven’t done this for a long time..Japanese people and people from Asia often make a peace sign for photos and it is just different. I think it is similar to how American celebrities putting their hands around their waists..and to me, that was just bizarre. I do that sometimes just to show that I am confident but I am not comfortable doing that. I think it is stupid and if celebrities do that for professional photo sessions, it is understandable but it just looks really stupid when ordinary people do that. Some women do that ALL THE TIME for photos and frankly it is annoying.
I was really embarrassed when my Japanese friends actually did a backwards peace sign and put it on her lip…it is a sign of sexually suggestive gesture in the west..but anyways I didn’t say anything. LOL Who knows why Asian people keep making peace signs for photos but oh well, it is just part of our culture..I certainly grow up thinking it’s the norm then I learned from someone that Japanese people make peace signs for photos to hide the embarrassment. You know, Japanese people tend to be shy so making peace signs can kind of hid that embarrassment…I don’t know but I don’t like photo sessions.