When I think about winter in Japan, Kotasu comes into my mind..We hardly turned on a heater so that we could save money on electricity..but it was so cold in winter that we needed Kotatsu. “Kotatsu is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a tape top sits.”[wikipedia] The “Kotatsu” is basically a small table with a cover (futon) attached to it and there is an electric heater underneath the table.
It’s so warm inside and you can adjust the temperature using a controller. Whenever I think about winter time in my childhood, I feel nostalgic about those times when our family gathered around Kotatsu. For Japanese families, Kotatsu is normally a center of their home life during winter season. I liked kotatsu because it was a special space for my family to sit together to eat dinner in winter. It felt too small for six people but it brings up some fun memories for me. ^-^
As you can see from the picture, four people can probably comfortably sit in a regular sized Kotatsu. My family sat in Kotatsu and often ate mikan (tangerine)..I feel nostalgic whenever I remember this. 🙂