Pokemon Go

Everybody is going crazy over Pokemon Go.  It’s so popular that two adults fell off a cliff and a teenager was hit by a car. Despite these tragedies, people are not going to stop playing Pokemon Go.

“Pokemon Go servers appeared to crash on Saturday, leaving millions unable to play the augmented reality game. The problem follow the US launch of the game earlier this month, which caused servers to crash due to overwhelming demand.” (independent.co.uk)

What is Pokemon Go?

“Pokemon Go is a game that uses your smartphone or tablet’s GPS and camera to allow users to catch Pokemon. To play, you physically have to walk around and find Pokemon, collect items, and battle other players.” (newstatesman)

But why is Pokemon Go so popular?

“In fact, Pokemon Go places more demands on players than the average video game. To play, they have to physically leave their apartment and explore the outside world.” (qq.com)

“Perhaps most important factor of all is the engagement brought about by the proper level of complexity and depth n a game. The foal of most game designers is to craft a game that is “easy to learn but difficult to master.”

That explains why people get hooked on this game..it’s not difficult to learn but mastering this game requires commitment.

Be careful while playing Pokemon Go!!

“Sydney woman Tanami Nayler 22, was out playing the augmented reality smartphone game in Melbourne on Saturday morning about 2.15am when she was allegedly mowed down on a pedestrian crossing on the corner of King and Victoria streets in West Melbourne.” (news.com.au)

“Japan suffers its first “Pokemon Go” accident just hours after the game debuts”

I like Pokemon Go because unlike other games, we have to get up and move around but when we start playing the game on busy streets, stations..it becomes extremely dangerous.

Not to mention there are people who play Pokemon Go while driving! Never do that.


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