Popular Japanese Cartoon Characters

I grew up watching Japanese cartoons (anime). In this posting, I want to share my favorite Japanese animation characters of all time. Since I moved here many years ago, my information on modern Japanese anime needs some upgrades. πŸ™‚

1)GeGeGe no Kitaro (I can’t forget the song..it kind of stuck in my head)

gegege no kitaro imag

gegege no kitaro

3) Chibimaruko chan (I love this show. I bought all comic books and the author wrote books as well, so I read all of her books)

chibimaruko chan| Japanese anime

Chibimaruko chan is Japanese anime

4) Rilakkuma (I am not sure if this is an animal character but I am obsessed with Rilakkuma.. the cutest lovely bear in the world.)

Rilaxuma is a Japanese character

Rilaxuma is a popular Japanese character

5)Arele chan (natsukashii..it is such an old animation)

Arare chan Japanese anime

Arare chan Japanese anime

6) Lupin III

Lupan III popular Japanese anime

Lupan III popular Japanese anime

7)Son Goku

songokuu Japanese anime

Songokuu Japanese cartoon anime


8)Kureyon Shin chan (this main character Shin chan is so funny)

Japanese animation kureyon shin chan

Japanese animation kureyon shin chan

9)Sazae san (we did not miss this show every week)

japanese anime sazae san

japanese anime sazae san


10) Konan kun

Japanese anime konan kun

Japanese anime cartoon konan kun

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