Types of visas for Japan

Japan offers many different visas. Make sure to check out the most up-to-date information on which visa suits you the best. Check out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website.

Visa waiver:

If you are a tourist from certain countries, you don’t need to obtain a special visa to stay in Japan for no more than 90 days. If you are from the country that is not part of these countries, you need to apply for a visa just to travel to Japan.

Work visas:

If you want to work in Japan, you will need to get a work visa. There are 14 kinds of work visas available in Japan. Do you need to find an employer first? Yes.

Because you need to show a certificate of eligibility issued by your employer. Your employer then needs to show additional documents to the Japanese immigration.

Working Holiday visas:

This is a very cool visa because if those who are between 18 and 30 can live and work in Japan up to one year. But like tourist visa, you need to be from the following countries.







New Zealand

Student visas

If you will be attending school for more than 90 days, you need to get a student visa in Japan. Your university will need to submit the necessary documents on behalf of you. This is very important: You are NOT allowed to work, not even a part-time job, unless you have a special permission.

Cultural activities visas

Foreigners involved in cultural studies that aren’t covered by the student visa, you may want to consider getting a cultural activities visas. For example, I had a friend who was studying martial arts in Japan and he applied for a cultural visa. You can stay in Japan up to one year.

What do you need to submit? You need to show document that proves your cultural activity.

Volunteer visas

If you are a British citizen, you may want to look into this visa category. You can apply for a volunteer visa and work for a registered non-profit organization in Japan for up to one year. It’s a volunteer visa so you will not be able to get paid.

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